Natural diuretics

The sedentary lifestyle , stress and the feeding marked by excessive consumption of Salt , just like him hot , are other issues that can generate fluid retention .

This problem usually manifests itself in the arms, legs and face. Within the organic reasons we find conditions of the liver , kidney Y heart in both sexes, and in women, of type hormonal .

When someone accumulates liquids (without an obvious reason such as menstruation or the pregnancy ), it is essential that you go to a medical examination to determine the source of your discomfort and the best treatment to follow.

Once the cause of the accumulation of liquids , it will be possible to determine if it is more advisable to rely on some natural diuretic or if it is necessary to prescribe a Pharmacotherapy .

A diuretic it is an element that increases the secretion of urine for the kidneys , in a way that favors loss of salts and water from the blood , at the same time that it accelerates the elimination of harmful substances generated by the organism through its different functions.

Between the natural diuretics most used to avoid water retention they find each other:

1. The natural water or flower of Jamaica. 2. The infusion made with blue stick, corn hair, ears of corn, pingüica, governor, parsley, dandelion, horsetail, sesame seeds, boldo and birch, among others. 3. Green Tea , white, black and red.

On the other hand the consumption of some fruits and vegetables (in its natural state) helps to combat retention : alfalfa, cucumber, asparagus, artichoke, tomato, watermelon, celery and pineapple (in slices and / or prepare water with its shell).

However, the natural diuretics are not entirely harmless, because their abuse can alter the balance of the components of the blood and cause weakness, cramps, constipation, nausea, vomiting, increased uric acid (responsible for joint pain) and sugar levels in the blood (can aggravate the diabetes) .

Therefore, the most advisable thing is to get oriented properly with a specialist, especially if you consider your consumption to lose weight . Mishandling of the diuretics can cause severe mass loss, heart disease and imbalances hormonal and electrolytic.

Video Medicine: Dietary & Health Information : What Foods Are Natural Diuretics? (May 2024).