Most common digestive disorders

The disorders or Digestive diseases are all those discomforts that are suffered in the digestion , both in the process and in the elimination. Among the causes are those related to the immune system , that attacks the organism itself as if it were an infectious agent, or because of some alteration in the functioning or structural deficiency, that originates some injury.

Also, in the part emotional , Some digestive problems they are interpreted as a difficulty to change ideas and digest the new, in addition to living under conditions Stressful or anxiety .

Among the most common disorders are:

1. Peptic ulcer : Related to the high level of stress and the diet unbalanced

2. Helicobacter pylori : Is a bacterium increasingly known as it is very resistant to drugs and causes many complications.

3. Belching : Although they are not a disease, the causes of a repetitive or uncontrolled expulsion of gases , for which there are various natural remedies or drugs.

4. Constipation : It is considered a very current disease due to the rhythm of life, bad habits and food behaviors .

5. Colitis: Also known as Irritable colon , has a great tendency to diarrhea and its main cause is emotional.

6. Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach which, if not treated properly, can produce serious complications such as hemorrhages .

7. Flatulence: It is the presence of air in the intestine that may or may not be expelled through year .

There is a great variety of Digestive diseases and each one has specific symptoms, although there are some that are common to most: inflammation , pain or difficulty in doing depositions , weight loss without apparent reason, sickness or vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea Y Reflux .

However, when faced with any symptom associated with a bad digestion It is important that you go to a specialist to prevent your situation from getting worse. It is advisable to have good consumption habits, respect your schedules, include fiber in you diet daily and drink lots of water. In addition to activarte every day.

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Video Medicine: Digestive health (May 2024).