Laughter therapy, fun alternative to health

Scientifically, it has been proven that frank laughter, laughter, brings multiple benefits: it rejuvenates us, eliminates stress and tension, reduces anxiety, removes depression, eliminates cholesterol, makes us lose weight, removes pain, drives away insomnia, helps against cardiovascular, respiratory problems and any disease. It gives us acceptance, understanding, joy, relaxation, opens our senses and helps us transform our mental patterns.

Recent studies on the ability of laughter to fight all kinds of diseases, indicate that while laughing we release a large amount of endorphins, largely responsible for the feeling of well-being.


Other uses for laugh therapy

Laughter is used in order to eliminate emotional, physical, mental, sexual blocks, to heal our childhood, as a process of personal growth. It creates a space to be with oneself, to live here and now, to be in the present, because when we laugh it is impossible to think, it helps us discover our gifts, open horizons, overcome fears, fill us with light, strength, of illusion, of sense of humor, of joy and learning to live a positive, intense, sincere and total life, like children.

After a two-hour session, it is inevitable to feel full, loving, tender, cheerful, vital, energetic and endless positive feelings. It seems incredible how a simple method such as laughter can bring us so much: laughter is magic, it is alchemy, it is the best medicine.