How size influences ...

If a woman contracts breast cancer, Having large breasts and living sedentary could increase your risk of dying from the disease.

The experts have long known that being physically active reduces the risk of contracting breast cancer in approximately 25%. However, the new study observed how both exercise and breast size could be used to predict the level of survival in the event of breast cancer, said the study investigator. Paul Williams, scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California .

Williams found that the risk of dying from breast cancer was reduced by approximately 40% for women who were physically active, compared to those who did not comply with the guidelines of exercise . The study appeared in the December online edition of the journal PLoS One.


How size influences ...

To carry out the study, Williams and her team followed almost 80,000 women for 11 years. All were participants in national studies on the health of runners and walkers. Approximately 33,000 of the women were walkers and about 46,000 were runners.

By the time they entered the study, none of the women had been diagnosed breast cancer They all reported on the distances they walked or ran each week, in addition to the size of the bra and weight cup and the body stature.

Those that complied with the current guidelines of exercise They were about 42% less likely to die of breast cancer than those who did not. These guidelines recommend two and a half hours of moderate activity, one hour and 15 minutes of intense activity or an equivalent combination during the week.

The amount of exercise they found that protected against breast cancer was: walk briskly about 7 miles (about 11.25 km) or run almost 5 miles (about 8 km) a week. Women with little time available may choose to run instead of walking, Williams said.

In the study it was found that women with a cup of size C had 4 times more risk of dying from breast cancer that those who had a cup of size A. Those who had a cup of size D, or greater, had a risk almost 5 times higher than those of size A.

Have higher levels of estrogen it's a known risk factor for breast cancer, Williams said. It has been shown that women with larger breasts have higher levels of estrogen than women with larger breasts. breasts smaller, if they have a narrow waist, but not if they have a wider waist, he said. It is more likely that women who are physically active have a narrow waist than sedentary ones.

Other healthy habits that could reduce cancer risk are maintaining a body weight healthy and limit alcoholic beverages to one a day or less.

Video Medicine: DAY 11: How size influences your intake. (May 2024).