Are you addicted to cheese?

There are foods that, beyond their properties and benefits for the body, are basic at the time of eating; example, cheese. But why is it so irresistible? What makes it so palatable?

Cheese is a food derived from milk and, although its consumption in some types such as Manchego or Roquefort should be limited, most nutritionists integrate it into a balanced diet. However, it is not its flavor and proteins that make it addictive.

For the specialist Neal Barnard , president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine , the cheese is addictive because it contains casein, a group of proteins of the milk of high protein value that, when digested, releases casomorphine, which has effects similar to that of opioids.

Besides making this food indispensable for our body, casomorphine could be related to mental illness. In a study conducted by specialists Reichelt and Cade from the University of Florida , it was discovered that the urine of patients suffering from autism, developmental disorders or schizophrenia, contained high amounts of casomorphine peptide. It can also contribute to diseases such as chronic fatigue or depression.

The consumption of cheese is not bad, but it should be done in moderation, and not only because it is an addictive product, but all excess food can cause severe damage to health.

The ideal is to maintain a balanced diet, avoiding excluding any element of the nutritional pyramid. Take care and love yourself.

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Video Medicine: The Science of Cheese Addiction (April 2024).