Healing properties of chamomile

It has antispasmodic and sedative properties, which is why it is indicated especially in cases of nervous disorders in children and in women during the menstrual cycle (it reduces menstrual cramps)

In addition, it improves digestion, facilitates the expulsion of intestinal gases and mitigates the stomach spasms that generate swelling. It is effective, for its natural salicylic acid, in cases of headache, neuralgia and migraine.

Likewise, when containing azulene (blue liquid hydrocarbon) chamomile is considered an excellent anti-inflammatory for the eyes and to combat rheumatic pains and excellent antiseptic can be used in cases of sores in the mouth.

It is important to know that chamomile tea when boiled should be covered well, otherwise the essential oil would evaporate and the tea would lose its effect.

Video Medicine: Chamomile Benefits for Anxiety and Digestion (May 2024).