It erases its footprint ...

Its causes can be diverse: accidents, changes hormonal (acne), operations or carelessness. However, the damage that the presence of a scar can have on an individual's self-esteem can become irreversible.


The scars are the tissue that forms over a wound as the skin fury. They are a natural part of the body's healing process. Although not all people have the same cicatrization, and not all injuries have the same appearance, as described in an article of the NYU Langone Medical Center.


It erases its footprint ...

Before trying to reduce the appearance of your scar with any process, the plastic surgeon based in Wisconsin, Joseph Rucker notes that an injury needs time to heal completely before attempting to remove it.

However, once this process is over you can try to reduce or disguise your appearance. Here we give you some keys.

1. Mineral makeup . According to Rucker, this should be applied sparingly, since excess product can have the opposite effect: beyond hiding, it draws attention to what one wants to hide.

2. Chemical exfoliation. In this treatment, chemicals are used to remove the top layer of the skin in order to give it a smooth appearance and an even color. This one is better to deal with scars that are not deep or small acne the size of a punch hole, so explains the NYU Langone Medical Center.

3. Apply aloe vera gel or juice . The gel and aloe vera juice helps eliminate scars of acne and make your skin healthier, it also helps eliminate infections caused by acne and prevents the infectious problem from spreading to other areas.

4. Honey. A study carried out in the United Kingdom shows that honey contains healing components, due to its high content of sugar , combined with hydrogen peroxide and propolis, extract moisture from wounds and block the presence of bacteria

5. Olive oil . Because it contains a high level of sterols, it favors the absorption of calcium and mineralization of the bones and helps in the regeneration of the scars of the skin .

Another way to improve the appearance of scars is through a feeding balanced, but especially high in vitamin E and collagen. Remember that your health is in your hands. Beware!

Video Medicine: Can your digital footprint be erased? (April 2024).