5 tips vs unwanted erection

Having an erection in the wrong place or time can be very uncomfortable and embarrassing, however it is very common that happens to men, so it can also be distressing to have to control it without being noticed.

Sometimes it's not enough just to say to yourself: Think of something ugly or something else! Count to 100! And other thoughts that help you to calm her down, because this reaction of your body is very normal.

You must be very careful not to do something that could hurt you. Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present some tips so you can get rid (or calm) that uncomfortable erection unwanted, according to the website of sexovida.com:

1. Clothing is the key to conceal an erection. Never see tight clothing, or clothing that limits movement. If so, try to cover it with a shirt, jacket or sweater tied at the waist.

2. Put your hand in your pocket and hold the penis to one side, be careful not to hurt yourself or outright provoke more stimulation. This is just a momentary remedy, so be careful. Do not put it between the spring of your pants or underwear because you can hurt yourself.

3. Concentrate on something that requires all your attention, something manual of preference so that the blood circulate towards others muscles and parts of your body.

4. Just relax If possible, sit or try to put something between the eyes of others and you. Give him time to start losing her.

5 . If you plan erection is very persistent , try to find a place to download, just make sure no one notices.

If at some point they discover you and the other person considers it an offensive situation, just tell them you feel it, not what you feel. Any other more extensive explanation can make things worse.

Remember that there are times when you can not control each of your instincts or impulses, like an erection. Do not worry too much or distress yourself, sooner or later every man passes him.

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