5 reasons to say yes to water birth

The water birth It is a new option for the birth of your baby. This trend that has gained strength in recent years has many advantages over the traditional procedure, both for the mother and the child.

Know them!

Hot water is a natural analgesic that favors muscle dilation and facilitates the work of Birth , by avoiding tears. It also reduces the production of adrenaline and helps in the production of endorphins , substances that reduce the sensation of pain.

The freedom of movement and ability to adopt various positions within the tub of water, for example in squatting, releases the pressure exerted by the uterus and facilitates the descent through the canal. Birth , since it expands more by freely swinging the coccyx.

The baby, who is accustomed to an aquatic environment, leaves and enters a family environment without sudden or violent changes. His first stretch is done in a warm and soft environment. Its adaptation to changes in light, noise and temperature is carried out gradually.

Babies born by this procedure have a greater muscular development, are less irritable and more resistant to diseases during his first year of life.

The mother becomes the protagonist of her Birth , in a warm and pleasant humanized environment, in the company of his partner, who becomes a psychoprophylactic instructor and part of the medical staff.

However, Gabriela Zebadúa Baqueiro, instructor in psycho-prophylaxis and certified midwife , comments in the following video some risks when practicing a water birth :

In general, the water birth It is an excellent resource for pregnant women, as they stay away from drugs, because the philosophy of psycho-prophylactic birth is to reduce the use of anesthetics, analgesics and oxytocics.

In addition, during the process of birth in water performed by experts, you can listen to music, chat with your companions, perform relaxation exercises or take hot showers among other activities. And you, would you encourage yourself to have a birth in water?