1. Boss?

According to Mexican Institute of Anxiety and Stress (IMAE) , the term stress is used to denominate the physiological and psychological tension that generates the demands and demands (stressors), of the environment and that gives rise to an unpleasant emotional reaction. At work, it is difficult not to be a victim of stress because of the constant moments of "tension". Therefore in GetQoralHealth , we present 10 stress factors that you can identify in your work, and thus avoid them.

1. Boss?

It is different to be leader to leader, a leader organizes the work in such a way that its workers exploit their capacities, and thus not reach a critical point of stress. If you identify anxious or aggressive attitudes in your boss, concentrate on what you must do and do not let yourself "catch" the stress, it will pass.


2. Gestures

Yes, even if you do not create a "bad face", it can influence the emotional environment of the office. Fortunately, a "good face" also influences. According to researchers of the University of Kansas (USA) ), a smile helps us feel better after an episode of stress.


3. Bad co-worker

A bad co-worker, can be selfish and have a bad mood. According to studies conducted by the University of California , the bad mood or negative state of mind can be contagious in the same way as a disease.


4. Lighting

Inadequate lighting in the office can cause eye fatigue, tiredness, headache and of course stress. Try to be close to natural light and change from a dark place to another very lit sporadically.

5. Color

According to Dr. Group , stress can be eliminated by means of color, for example a navy blue or white place has calming and freshness effect on the body, while the red color is the least indicated to manage stress, since it stimulates the nervous system.


6. Genetics

According to publications in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes , the culprit of our stress, is not always the boss or the circumstances, since there is a genetic factor that determines our ability to control stress. Thus there are people who overcome more easily moments of tension.


7. Smiles

According to studies published in Psychological Science , smiling while presenting the "stressors" factors reduces the intensity of our body's response, which makes it easy for us to keep calm.


8. Noise

A study conducted by the Official College of Technical Engineers in Communication , indicates that 25% of people suffer from anxiety or stress due to noise. If you are in a busy office with little space, you can use headphones with relaxing music or simply to reduce the sounds that are very loud.


9. Lack of facilities

It refers to some failure in electricity, lack of vending machines for food or drinks, which can save us from a "hurry", the appropriate furniture, for example in toilets and places of recreation. It is best to bring healthy snacks for some unforeseen, so you will not stress the feeling of hunger, the rest is not a matter you can handle, so exercise your patience.


10. Atmosphere

According to studies in health of the National Administration of Aeronautics and Space (NASA) ), a plant not only makes our work environment cozy, but also improves air quality.

Keep in mind that you can choose between a healthy lifestyle or stress, the key is to learn to understand and control the situations that are within our reach, and differentiate those in which we should not or can not intervene. Take some time and enjoy the air, your family, your body and just relax!

Video Medicine: 1BOSS - DUM DUM (OFFICIAL VIDEO) (April 2024).