Phytoestrogens to increase bust

The size, shape and appearance of the breasts It is a basic and very emotional issue for all women. However, certain women whose ovaries do not produce enough quantities of estrogen , you can never get breasts fully developed.

When women get older, ovaries will slowly produce less hormones , which will result in less firm and smaller breasts. Therefore, they usually look for different methods in order not to undergo surgery or breast implant .

In this sense, it is proven that the additional consumption of estrogen can get to restart the growth of the bust , which is scientifically proven. The important thing is that they know that the source of this consumption can be natural. Such is the case of phytoestrogens .

The phytoestrogens are natural estrogens of plant origin , present in some plants that imitate and regulate the action of the principals estrogen of the body, female sex hormones responsible for, among other things, the growth of breasts . Some stimulate the mammary gland and are especially recommended in the lactation .

The phytoestrogens are in greater concentration in certain plants and herbs , hence the regular consumption of a diet rich in phytonutrients can encourage action estrogen , inter alia influencing the development and size of breasts , according to information on

Between the herbs with estrogenic function They stand out:

1. Clover . For its content in formonotenin , regulates the action hormonal . The infusion of clover, prepared with a teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water, is also indicated a couple of times a day for Menstrual disorders Y menopausal .

2. Alfalfa sprouts . Its germ is also recommended for this purpose and consumption can indirectly help increase the bust .

3. Licorice . The glycyrrhizin of this root has the property to regulate estrogen in the women.

4. Parsley Frequent consumption of this grass affects the amount of estrogen in the body; however, in high concentrations it can be toxic and have contraindications.

5. Soy . Because of its high content isoflavones , one of the best known forms of phytoestrogens , favors the bust increase and it can be consumed in its different forms and derivatives.

Unlike the diet Western, the oriental is very rich in phytoestrogens , to a large extent, thanks to the high consumption of soy . In addition, flax seeds , pulses, whole grains and cabbages in general, are rich sources of phytoestrogens that can be incorporated into diet for him breast growth . Remember that it is important at all times to receive guidance from a specialist.