Keep alert!

The herpes labialis It is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. It becomes annoying and painful because of sores on the gums and lips, which is difficult to eat. It is a common condition, it is estimated that approximately 80% of the world population it has suffered .


The National Institutes of Health of the United States, point out that symptom appear after a or three weeks of having been in contact with the virus.


Keep alert!

Among the causes are the stress , changes abrupt temperature , sun down , menstruation , hormonal changes or alteration of the immune system.

The herpes labialis it stays up to 3 weeks, meanwhile there itch , burning and tingling in the lips and around the mouth. Before the sores come out, you feel a sore throat and when chewing food, temperature and inflammation of ganglia.

The infection is It easily spreads through contact with a person with herpes or by touching infected objects with the virus .


It reduces the symptoms!

Although symptom disappear after a or two weeks , some natural remedies help to reduce discomfort and provide a quick recovery.

1. Torojil

Known as a lemon leaf, its polyphenols accelerate the healing time of sores by up to 50%. The ointments or infusions are applied directly to the affected area, four times a day, recommends the Naturopath Cynthia Goodbye .

2. Garlic

An effective antiviral that fights the symptoms of herpes labialis . The suggestion is to increase your intake or take supplements, advises Goodbye .

3. Ice

If you have a lot of pain, apply ice to the affected area for 10 minutes. Wait five minutes and repeat for the same time, add the naturopath .

4. Yogurt

The lysine and bacteria contained in yogurt strengthen the intestine and increase immunity against herpes. In addition, they reduce the intensity of outbreaks, explains Flodin NW , researcher at the College of Medicine of the University of Alabama .

5. Aloe Vera

Applying an aloe or aloe cream three times a day for a week, significantly reduces the damage caused by virus and it reduces the healing time. Acemannan is one of its components that stimulate immunity and inhibit the growth of ulcers, according to a study published in Indian Journal of Dermatology .

Other effective measures are to protect yourself from the sun, you can use a refreshing balm for your lips. Stay hydrated and avoid acidic foods. Take care not to kiss anyone, do not eat or drink from the same dish or glass.

The Mexican Society of Cosmetic and Laser Dermatology warns that practically 70% of the people in the world are carriers of the virus what causes herpes labialis , although they do not show symptoms. We are all exposed to risk factors, such as sudden changes in temperature, so it is easy to get infected.