Hypertension detonates renal failure

In Mexico, more than 17 million people between 20 and 69 years suffer high blood pressure; However, 8 out of 10 who suffer from it do not know it and less than 10% of those who are in treatment manage to control it.

However, one of the consequences of those living with hypertension is that due to the affection of the blood circulation to the kidney, there is a high risk of presenting chronic renal insufficiency.

If the blood vessels of kidneys they are damaged, they may stop eliminating waste and excess fluid from the body.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the specialist in renal nutrition, the licensed Blanca Esquivel Roldán, of the Mexican Association of Renal Nutrition Specialists (AMENUR) , explains what it is about and the factors that cause this disease:

Therefore, the importance of not only controlling arterial hypertension, but also of choosing an effective therapeutic option. In this sense, the pharmaceutical Boehringer Ingelheim launched an innovative alternative that combines telmisartan and amlodipine in a single tablet.

This treatment, created to control hypertension more effectively, offers a 24-hour protection and is useful in the prevention of heart attacks Y cerebrovascular events .

In addition, one of its most important characteristics of this new generation drug is that it has a nephrological effect; that is, regulates and protects renal function .

In this sense, the doctor Gustavo Rojas, from the Department of Emergencies and Coronary Unit of the National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chávez , states that the advantage of this single-dose or single-dose medication is that it allows patients to better comply with their treatment.

Remember that to reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure is the modification of habits: Have a balanced diet, practice exercise 30 minutes a day, as well as decrease the consumption of sugars and salt.

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