High triglycerides and metabolic syndrome

The Metabolic syndrome It has certain characteristics such as overweight , high blood pressure , high triglycerides Y lipids above the normal range.

In an interview with Dr. Saby Camacho, National Director of Nutrition of the Universidad del Valle de México, (UVM), she points out that this is one of the predecessors of the obesity , overweight Y diabetes .

In this regard, he commented: "The Metabolic syndrome It talks about alterations that occur in the body, but that can be corrected, without actually triggering diabetes , hypertension or cerebral infarcts .

The title of the UVM pointed out that the frequency of Metabolic syndrome It is more common in men than in women, but it is clear that during the last years, it has been registered in children, due to the high rates of obesity Y overweight What's in Mexico:

"Unfortunately because of the lifestyle we lead, children eat poorly; they lack nutrients and there is no control over their caloric intake. "


Say goodbye to sedentary lifestyle

Camacho indicates that the Metabolic syndrome It is closely linked to little or no physical activity and is more related to a high index in the triglycerides that in the cholesterol :

"People can know their levels, through a blood study and if their doctor and / or they discover that their ranges of triglycerides are high, you should change your eating habits and lifestyle, because if certain patterns are not modified, they could develop diabetes , hypertension , obesity , etc".

In the triglycerides The levels of vegetal fat and animal, as well as the consumption of alcohol , refreshments Y sweets :

"People with some extra pounds should complete a full lipid profile. In addition, we must constantly measure the circumference of the waist and check the blood glucose figures, "Saby Camacho reiterated.

Video Medicine: Metabolic Syndrome (April 2024).