5 scientific reasons why you eat more

Hunger is a vital physiological need for the organism. Through the intake of food the body acquires vitamins, proteins and minerals essential for health; however, this, at times, becomes a desire that induces you to overeat.

This can produce an increase in your body mass, in addition to increasing the chances of suffering from a chronic degenerative disease; But how does the desire to overeat develop? GetQoralHealth gives you seven scientific reasons that explain it to you:

1. It is comforting. A study prepared by the University of Leuven and published by the page Health.com, Indicates that consuming fatty foods reduces activity in parts of the brain related to feelings of distress. For this reason, people seek to eat sugars and fat excessively.

2. As a group you eat better and more. According to an investigation carried out by the Georgia State University in Atlanta He has found that when people eat with others, they consume 44% more than when they are alone.

Also, the size of the food increases depending on the number of people present, with two being 47% larger and with three, 58%.

3. Dopamine is the culprit. Within the brain, there are different circuits of pleasure that deal with food, but one of the most important is the reward system of dopamine, which is vital as it triggers the desire to eat.

So much so that when its action on an animal is blocked, it stops eating and, consequently, dies of starvation.

4. Stress Scientists of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI), University of Calgary (Canada) , point out that stress activates appetite mechanisms.

Published in the magazine Neuron , the study discovered that this state influences the nerve cells of the region of the brain known as the hypothalamus; structure that has an important role in appetite and metabolism.

5. Lack of sleep. Research disclosed by the United States Academy of Sciences (PNAS, for its acronym in English) , suggests that staying awake for a long time requires more energy and, consequently, more food is consumed.

Eating excess generates obesity and overweight, so always try to take a balanced diet.

Video Medicine: The Health Guru Who Eats 5,000 Calories in One Meal & Says He's Healthy (April 2024).