Are you a

According to the latest survey conducted by OCCMundial , 13% of Mexican professionals consider themselves addicted to work, and 2 figures were found particularly alarming:


  • 8 out of 10 professionals receive emails and answer calls from work in his time of rest.
  • 34.5% of professionals work more than 60 hours a week.

"Workaholic" is the term currently used to refer to people who have an addiction for work. Therefore, in GetQoralHealth , we present 10 attitudes and behaviors that reveal work addiction.


Are you a "workaholic" or "workaholic"?

To identify if you are "workaholic", GetQoralHealth , presents you with 10 characteristic attitudes and behaviors.


  1. You think that working more than 12 hours is fine and not only that, you think that everyone should work at that pace.

  2. Missing all celebration or meeting outside the work area.

  3. They stop having friends, they only have "coworkers".

  4. In their free time as a couple, they lose interest in sex, they just want to rest.

  5. They are sedentary, as a result of their long workday, neglect their health and abandon any type of exercise.

  6. Little "healthy". They do not attend periodic check-ups with the doctor, do not have lunch schedules and eat the first thing they find; if they eat, they therefore tend more to overweight and obesity.

  7. They sleep everywhere: public transport, some celebration, cinema or theater.

  8. Your conversation has only one theme: work.

  9. They do not separate from the cell phone; so be it at lunchtime or in the middle of a talk.

  10. They make money, but they do not have time to go out and make a good decision to invest or enjoy it, practically only have time for one thing: work.


Work is not everything!

The OCCMundial , also makes reference that the "workaholics", they turn the work into their "way of escape" and it is important, to identify in them, the two basic components of all type of addiction: the lack of control and the dependence.

If you identify yourself in any of the previous points, it is important that you organize your time, in such a way that you give a space for your family, partner and health. Concentrate and enjoy every moment that is unique and unrepeatable in your life. Enjoy!

Video Medicine: 5 Signs that You're a Workaholic (April 2024).