5 tips for a perfect tan

A Sun tanning Perfect has many advantages for the body, because it improves your appearance, strengthens your bones and helps prevent some diseases , thanks to the solar rays, the main source of vitamin D.

Therefore, if you are on vacation you can not miss the opportunity to exhibit your skin to sunbathing, so we give you five tips so that you achieve a color of envy and a healthy organism:

1.- Prepare for the sun: 15 days before you are exposed to the sun, apply pre-tanners, to activate the melanin and avoid Burns . You can buy them at any beauty products store.

2.- Diet for the skin: Weeks before your trip eat foods rich in carotene (carrot, tomato) and Alphacarotene (corn, broccoli, kiwi) to improve the pigmentation of the skin and prevent UV rays from causing any damage. In addition, products rich in vitamin E and B (fish and legumes) prevent dehydration, desquamation of the epidermis and prolong the Sun tanning .

3.- Exfoliation: Remove the cells dead of your skin , so that your tan lasts a little longer. Try applying it with a warm, damp cloth; Rub your entire body in small circles and rinse with warm water. You can buy them at the market or make a homemade one with sugar, lemon and honey.

Take advantage of your stay at the beach to make one with the sand, which is a exfoliating natural. Another technique that will help you eliminate them cells dead is the peeling physical, which is explained below:

4.- Use a photoresist: The application of a filter Solar will help prevent the presence of spots and help you get a Sun tanning uniform. You must choose the right one, according to your type of skin . Avoid oils without protection, because they accelerate the aging premature and favor the Burns solar

5.- Moisturize your skin: Do not forget to drink two liters of water a day and eat moisturizing foods; use a cream, milk or gel after sun, containing cocoa butter or aloe vera, which has soothing, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, which will mitigate pain, burning or infections .

The specialists recommend to suspend (with the permission of your doctor) the intake of medicines like antibiotics , sulfonamides or contraceptives , which generate a photosensitization of the skin , which favors the appearance of spots.

In addition, it is essential that you do sunbathing gradually, that is, the first day you can expose yourself to lightning in five-minute sessions, which will increase as the days go by.

Remember to change position every so often, to avoid insolation and the Burns solar At the end of the day, take a bath with warm water to remove the residues of the sunscreen and close the pores. If you follow this care, you will have a healthy and even tan. So get ready and enjoy your vacation 100%.

Video Medicine: The Best Spray Tan Routine | Spray Tan Tips (April 2024).