Does your envy speak for you?

The nuclear family is the first to violate the comparisons (especially from parents). This originates hostile, timid adults, with few social skills and resentful, affirms the clinical psychologist Daniela Cattán .

Although, resentment is a toxic emotion that is not chosen, human beings are able to recognize it and use reason to confront it, so that they can stop being slaves of negative feelings, asserts a study of the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience magazine.


Does your envy speak for you?

To avoid their damage it is necessary to know their origin, therefore in NeuroHealth, the Dr. Eduardo Calixto tells you the why we compare . Do not stay with the doubt, click!

In the case of romantic partner , "He can listen to the needs or requests of his partner in a sincere and loving way, so there are usually great changes, without resorting to comparisons that create estrangement, resentments and low levels of affectivity ", indicates the clinical psychologist Samuel Merlano.  

Video Medicine: DJ Envy Opens Up About Cheating (April 2024).