1. Heart diseases

In Mexico there are around 17.3 million smokers assets, according to the latest data from the National Survey of Addictions . One of the worst consequences of smoking is undoubtedly the lung cancer , but it is not the only one.

The habit of smoke generates at least 30% of all deaths by Cancer in United States. It is the cause of 87% of deaths by lung cancer in men and 70% in women, indicates the American Cancer Society .

But there are also other serious consequences generated by the habit of smoke , and we present them to you next.


1. Heart diseases

The arsenic content in the cigarettes is used to preserve wood, in humans it is the cause of Heart diseases . This habit increases 2-4 times the risk of coronary heart disease , indicate the Centers for Desease Control and Prevention .


2. Erectile dysfunction

Due, in part, to the fact that smoking causes harm in arteries , which decreases the circulation correct of the blood towards the rest of the organs, indicates the American Cancer Society .


3. Emphysema

Slowly destroy the Respiratory capacity , which prevents the necessary amount of oxygen get to the blood and organs. In advanced stage causes shortness of breath when lying down, feeling fatigue Y weightloss .


4. Infertility

It not only complicates that a woman is left pregnant , also affects the health of the baby before and after birth by increasing the risk of fetal death and syndrome sudden death of the infant


5. Low bone health

Women who are in their last years reproductive and that they smoke have less Bone density , so your risk of breaking bones is greater.

Daily they die about 165 people for causes linked to the tobacco , that is to say, smoke kills about 60 thousand people in one year, according to the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE).

Video Medicine: Do You Know The Warning Signs of Heart Disease? (April 2024).