Young people well connected with their parents, they protect themselves more

The National Youth Survey conducted in 2005 indicates that 92% of Mexican adolescents know some contraceptive method and develop healthier behaviors and greater self-protection yes they come from homes where there is good communication with their mothers and fathers.

Prisila Vera Hernández, general director of the IMJUVE Mexican Youth Institute, indicated in the Celebration of the World Day of the Fight against AIDS, that every day they are infected on average from 5 thousand to 6 thousand young people, where 50% have an age range between 15 and 24 years old, According to UNICEF statistics .

The director of the Institute stressed that more than 50% of adolescents express that would like to receive more information on issues of sexuality and on sexually transmitted diseases by his father and 68% on the part of his mother, according to the publication of the bulletin of the Ministry of Health.

Dr. José A. Córdova Villalobos, Secretary of Health, indicated that with the care, prevention and treatment program, the AIDS pandemic , which has 200 thousand people infected in our country, where 50 thousand are in treatment with free antiretrovirals provided by the Ministry of Health.

This makes it necessary to have a prevention culture which emphasizes the use of condoms such as condoms to stop the spread of sexually transmitted infections and the openness to communication between parents and children to promote a healthy life.