You can not control hunger!

Satiety is a signal that the nerves located in the stomach They transmit to the brain when enough food has been ingested. However, there are factors that prevent feeling this satisfaction, increasing the opposite sensation: hungry .

According to a study by the University of Calgary in Canada, the stress can influence the way the brain regulates the apetite , or increase. Situation that can explain why it is difficult for people to control hunger under situations that generate pressure.


You can not control hunger!

For more you eat, you follow feeling hungry? It is possible that there are some errors in your habits or some things that are triggering this sensation. Here we offer you 5 of them.

1. Thirst or hunger? Drinking water can stimulate the body to burn fat according to a study of Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism . However, not drinking enough water can cause thirst to be confused with hungry and this causes you to eat more than the account.

2. Beware of social networks. Example, Instagram, an investigation of the Journal of Neuroscience reveals that seeing images of delicious foods activates the reward center of the brain and can make you want to eat more.

3. Alcohol and hunger. The consumption of alcoholic beverages can affect the levels of leptin , the hormone that regulates hungry. In addition, it should be added that many of these beverages and their sugar content increase a large amount of sugar in the diet. calories .

4. Watch television. You can not pay attention to your signals hungry , how much is watching television, since the brain has a hard time analyzing both sensations.

5. Lack of sleep . The absence of rest makes the caloric food is perceived as more delicious and difficult to resist.

However, not always the feeling of hungry It is bad. A study published by the magazine PLOS ONE, notes that this sensation can protect you from Alzheimer's disease.

Remember that the best thing you can do to avoid hungry is to take a balanced diet and have a dose of exercise in your daily life. Take care of your health is in your hands!

Video Medicine: How To Stop Hunger/Cravings - 10 Tips Proven By Science (April 2024).