Would you marry your partner, if in the courtship you were unfaithful?

The consequences of living with someone unfaithful They are very dangerous, since a person who is used to cheating, will only make you have bad times and many emotional problems.

If you have ever wondered why your partner cheats you constantly, there may be a scientific explanation but that does not justify your actions.

A study conducted by the Dr. Justin Garcia of the Binghamton University , New York, indicates that infidelity can be caused by the DNA of people.

The investigation establishes that the DRD4 gene it influences the chemistry of the brain and alters the behavior of individuals, specifically in the search for new temporary sexual expeditions.

For this reason, if you have identified that your current partner has strange and mysterious behaviors, it would be better to investigate what is happening and thus you will be able to avoid consequences of living with someone unfaithful.

Answer the next Test and reflect if you would marry your partner, if in the courtship you were unfaithful.

Video Medicine: How Do I Know If I Should Let This Relationship Go? - Love Life 2016 Q+A (April 2024).