Why do we drool?

It is common for sleep deeply let's finish by opening our mouths and drooling our pillow, but do not worry the next time this happens, because it means that everything is fine with you.

It turns out that when a person gets a dream deep and repairman it's because it's in the phase REM of the dream (Rapid Eye Movements).

And this is nothing more than a total disconnect, it happens that your body enters deep rest and the brain functions decrease to achieve a restful sleep.

You can also see: Benefits of sleeping correctly


Why do we drool?

At the time of REM, we stopped deglutir and pass saliva, then we start to eliminate it outwards and that is when the "drooling" occurs while you sleep.

Then several experts deduce that drooling when sleeping is good for your health, because the natural actions of your body work correctly and does not exist Sleep apnea or some disorder that interrupts your breathing.

Video Medicine: Why You Drool When You Sleep and How to Stop It (April 2024).