Which foods are more addictive

Can not you eat just one? It is a well-known motto among brands and the general population; However, this can be applied to another type of food, which despite causing damage to the body due to its high level of carbohydrates and sugars, can not be consumed. An example is in addictive foods, which produce a reaction similar to that of drugs.

A study exposed by the Journal of Addiction Medicine , points out that these foods, beyond their carbohydrates and sugars, promote the generation of substances in the brain that induce a sensation of gratification and pleasure.

Among the most addictive foods found in the supermarket and, therefore, at your fingertips are the following:

1. Chocolate Considered a pleasure of the gods, it has several neuronal biochemicals that have been studied. Among the substances that it contains and can generate addiction is caffeine, theobromine and phenylethylamine, the latter helps to avoid depression.

2. Cheeses and milk. They contain casein, a protein that when digested produces casomorphine, which generates an addictive effect like opioids.

3. Meat. It has hypoxanthine, substance with stimulating properties that make you feel good and with greater vitality; However, in addition to being addictive in the long term and in large quantities can generate fatigue and dissatisfaction.

4. Junk food. A study conducted by the Research Institute The Scripps and published by Nature Neuroscience , discovered that food with high caloric level, such as bacon and sausages, generates addition.

This is because their consumption, the higher it is, provokes a response from neuroadaptators in the reward circuit of the brain, developing the sensation that more should be consumed.

Carbohydrates and sugars will always be present in our life, but, like any addition, we should try to control their consumption to avoid long-term damage; thus, GetQoralHealth offers you the following tips that will help you control your desire for these foods.

1. Learn to listen to your body and analyze your habits. Identify when you consume certain foods and if they make you happier or are replacing an emotion.

2. Learn to relax. Stress can be a trigger for you to consume more food. Try using breathing techniques or doing an activity that helps you release tension.

3. Do sport. The majority of addictions have a psychological origin, due to stress, emotional lacks, insecurity or problems in life, etc. Exercise is key to overcoming the source of the problem: to calm anxiety, increase self-esteem and vitality.

4. Integrate fiber and proteins into your diet. In addition to being low in fat, they produce a feeling of fullness that will make you feel satisfied and not be hungry.

Maintaining a good diet is not only the key to physical but emotional health. Take care of yourself inside and out.

Video Medicine: Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days (April 2024).