Where is your

You have good humor, economic independence and also You are beautiful, but still you can not find "true love" In Mexico, this is a reality, since of the single people in the country, 10.2% are over thirty years old and this figure is increasing, indicate theNational Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).


Why is the "search" so difficult? Nowadays, we have more affective opportunities than our ancestors and we have multiplied by a thousand the belief in the possibility of always being able to find someone better ", it states Francesc Núñez, sociologist and director of the humanities program at the UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).


Where is your "soul mate"!

If you are better prepared and you have all the physical possibilities and emotional in your favor, Why do not you find the "love of your life" ? Here are some reasons that cause it.

1. You are not yet emotionally prepared. Sometimes he fear to the surrender or fear of rejection of the beloved is so powerful that unconsciously you trigger defensive mechanisms, which ultimately drive away the other person. This is what the psychology expert Adriana Serebrenik.

2. Effort and discipline. The therapist Gary Chapma, author of the book The five languages ​​of love, points out that the most basic need is not to fall in love, but to be truly loved by the other. And that kind of love requires effort and discipline. It is the decision to use one's energy for the benefit of the other, but taking care of one's own interests.

3. Excessive expectations. That your happiness depends 100% of the couple, that it heals your wounds, that it supports you in everything you need. This indicates an affective and psychological problem that should be examined. Perhaps it is the symptom of a void that is not filled with anything and whose origin is elsewhere: inside you. This is what the specialist Angela Adanez.

4. A real fear of commitment. Because that supposes to choose, to renounce, to be satisfied with the real thing and to leave of side the dreams of the childhood. There may also be an unconscious fear of ceasing to be free and independent, of failing in the attempt.

5. Desire or an ingrained need. It has been taught from generation to generation that there is no life outside of the couple, and that it is the ultimate achievement. However, this must be a free, respected and product of the love you feel for yourself.


Although it is a difficult injury to understand, nobody will give you more love than you give yourself, "says the Felipe Cortés nurse.

Everything in life is a learning process. Have patience and willpower!

Video Medicine: Who Is Your Soulmate? (April 2024).