When you say

Without warning you partner he says "let's give ourselves some time", and the first thing you feel is confusion , you wonder what it means and if it is the end of the relationship. But the doubt that torments your mind is what you are going to do in response to such a request.


If your partner asks for time it is because he has a doubt, and evidently something is not going well in the relationship. But it does not necessarily mean the end, if the two are sincere their love can be saved ", indicates Azyadeth Peralta , psychologist graduated from Autonomous University of Mexico (UAM) .

The important thing then is to be aware that at the request of your partner you have two options: accept it or reject it. To know it you have to take yourself a time, a few days for example, and evaluate if you're ready emotionally so that they separate.


When you say "yes"

If you decide to accept the petition, Peralta points out that there are some issues that you have, along with your partner , what to take into consideration.


1. Ask for an explanation

It's not the same as your partner asking for time to have fun with your friends, to do it for reflect where the relationship is going and if he is ready to commit. You have to ask him to give you a Explanation deep so you can also analyze what awaits you.


2. Establish a deadline

They have to agree on a deadline , because if you are not drifting, waiting for things to return to "normal" and you could even fall into depression . Ask your partner how much time he needs and they will be able to meet again to talk at an exact moment.


3. Do not look for

It is necessary, indispensable, that they are not sought. There's no point in giving a time, but it speak every day to know how they are or have loving encounters . They have to find out what it is like to be without each other, and that means knowing nothing about you.


4. Establish rules

If they can go out with other people, what they will share about their lives on social networks to avoid injure , and that other people interfere. The idea is to avoid either of you, especially you, suffer with this situation.


5. Think of you

Take this time to clarify your feelings and think about why your partner came to this situation. Avoid feeling guilt , relationships are a matter of two, and you only have to take responsibility for what you have to do, when you do this things take a different direction.


When you say "no"

It is valid that you do not want, or can, accept to give your time partner . Before that, what remains for you to do is to be equally sincere , give the reasons why this would not work for you and show you that if what you need is commitment, you will not accept anything else.

And it is that asking for time, explains Azyadeth Peralta, has to be the second phase of a tried , a resource to be used after they already spoke to solve the problems together and that did not work.


It is not worth saying 'we are wrong, I need time, goodbye', because that is running away from the relationship, not taking responsibility and an easy way out ", explains the expert.

If you really want to save the relationship talk about the problems they have, everyone responsable what is their turn and come to a solution, but together.