When do you get angry with your partner?

Do you spend the nights tossing and turning on the bed and when you wake up all you want is for your partner to leave you alone? Beyond contributing to weight gain, lack of concentration and bad mood insomnia can affect your relationship; But how does this happen?

According to a study conducted by the University of California at Berkeley, People who suffer from insomnia have depressive symptoms, which leads to their perspectives on their relationship being dissatisfaction and pessimism; making them more prone to arguments.

The investigation, carried out by Amie Gordon, and published in the magazine Social Psychological and Personality , shows how the lack of sleep at night is a factor that influences couples to discuss or have greater disagreements.

To reach this conclusion, Gordo analyzed a group of heterosexual couples between 18 and 56 years of age. In the tests the response that each individual had to an emotional conflict was analyzed, taking into account if they had rested well during the night or not.

In response it was found that participants who had slept poorly were less empathic with the partner's feelings. Even in the discussions his ideas and reactions were negative.

This is because the lack of sleep causes similar levels of depression in the brain, so after a bad night it is difficult for couples to reach an agreement or reconciliation.

This study highlights the effect of insomnia on the health of the couple and one more reason why it is good to try to get a better rest; example, exercise or feeding.

Video Medicine: How to Stop Getting Angry at Your Girlfriend or Wife (April 2024).