What you must not do

Because it has thousands of sensory endings, the penis is one of the most important organs of the body, not only of sexuality. In fact, a pain in the limb or elsewhere in the genital area It is very strident, so it is important to consider that there are things that should not be done with the penis.

One of the most serious consequences of not having good habits, even a good cleaning, with the penis, is the erectile dysfunction , as well as others, penalties or injuries that can be severe when the sensitive member is experienced or endangered.


What you must not do

1. Bicycling a lot of time . Riding a bike for more than three hours each day can increase the risk of suffering erectile dysfunction , according to a study of the University of California . Because the hard seat of the bike compresses the area of ​​the perineum, injuring the vital arteries and nerves necessary for normal sexual function.

2. Lack of cleanliness . The penis is cleaned like any other part of the body, with water and neutral soap of preference; otherwise, use the same soap you used for the rest of the body. The lack of hygiene is one of the factors to develop cancer in the penis, according to specialists of the Spanish Association of Urology (AEU).

3. Excessive stimulation. Frequent sexual activity (masturbation or intercourse) also creates an excess of sex hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. With an excess of these chemicals, it is possible that some symptoms such as fatigue appear, while some men come to have erections weaker in the long term.

4. Smear things. The skin of the genitals It is much more sensitive than the skin of the rest of the body. Experimenting with different substances or creams can be satisfactory, however, this should only be done with special lubricants or creams, otherwise it will only generate irritation and itching or itching, even injuries or burns.

5. Tanning it . Overexposure to UV rays, either outdoors or in a tanning bed, can cause the skin of the penis to thicken, become irritated and cause pain or discomfort.

It is also important to consider the places where you have sex, particularly in the open air or in swimming pools, because environmental agents can cause some type of irritation or discomfort.

Also, it is recommended not to try very acrobatic sexual positions in order to avoid unnatural movements of the member that cause lesions to the penis.