What to eat during the

The nutritionist Andrea Cohen reveals that during the cold season daily food can undergo major changes with a tendency towards high calorie foods; and this explains why "With the cold the salads are not tempting and hot foods are preferred".

The specialist also explains that the key would be to control portions and make food more naturally. Therefore in GetQoralHealth we present 5 options to nourish and care for your body.

1. Vitamin D. According to research published in Progress in Neuro Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry Because there is less sunlight during winter, there is less vitamin D absorption. Choose foods such as salmon, egg, milk or yogurt.

2. Hot soup and drinks? According to the nutritionist Zarith Alvarado consume soups that include carbohydrates such as pasta, or legumes is an excellent option to prevent colds, the specialist also urges to avoid combining these foods with high-fat meats.

3. Fish and chicken. Publications in the magazine Selections Indicate including proteins helps to feel more satiety, and to remain longer in the stomach generate heat sensation. Choose proteins from low to moderate fat intake.

4. Citrus According to researchers from National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) Consuming or increasing the consumption of citrus fruits helps prevent respiratory diseases, since they strengthen the immune system.

5. Vitamins A and D. The General Coordinator of Comprehensive Medical Service of the Higher School of Medicine (ESME) Celso Pérez Indicates that to include in the "cold" season foods with vitamins A and D prevents acute infectious symptoms, this due to its protective action on the respiratory mucous membranes. Include foods such as carrots, broccoli or pumpkins in your diet.

The Ministry of Health (SSa) It also provides some recommendations to avoid diseases and infections in the cold season.Know them and take care of your health!


  1. Take at least 8 glasses of natural water.
  2. Avoid shaking hands or kissing people with respiratory diseases.
  3. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
  4. If you use a wood stove or fireplace, light the fire in a ventilated place.
  5. When sneezing or coughing use disposable tissues, "cover" your mouth or nose with the internal angle of the elbow.

Remember that the key is in the variation you have of your food every day and it is key that you "learn" to listen to your body and give it the requirements you need.

Video Medicine: Healthy Winter Season Foods | Best Foods to Eat During Winter | Healthy Food to Eat in Cold Weather (April 2024).