What makes us feel guilty?

Living with, or feeling guilt, reduces the quality of life in people in general, so it is a feeling that prevents reaching the goals or objectives that are proposed, in addition to slowing development full potential for personal growth or professional, explain researchers from the University of Ontario , Canada.

Feel guilt is carrying an "extra weight or burden of conscience", according to a study of the Yale University , because it is reflected, from the emotional sphere, as a corporal sensation of greater weight. This feeling is also produced by the fact of only remembering things.

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What makes us feel guilty?

To learn more about the implications of feeling guilt , we present the following GetQoralHealth capsule in the program Salud con Gloria Contreras, by ExcelsiorTV , where we also tell you how to overcome this feeling:

Certain practices, actions or behaviors make us feel guilt everyone, from lying (white lie), cheating or stealing, to committing a murder, in the extreme case. In that sense, the things that make Mexicans feel more guilty are:

1. Physical state or overweight. According to a study of the FES Zaragoza of the UNAM , women feel guilt for having some extra kilos, which also generates a feeling of body dissatisfaction , to the degree of generating a complex or disorder.

2. Being a "bad mother" . Due to the burden of culture and stereotypes, when a woman makes some visible mistake with regard to the universal model of motherhood, a feeling of guilt and repentance.

3. Gender equity. One of the issues that most guilt generates in men is that its partner whoever works, receives a higher salary or is the sustenance of the family economy. Also, issues such as the woman who pays the bill at a meeting, usually generate it in them.

4. Take vacations. According to the researcher María Luisa Barath , in Mexico the idea of ​​taking holidays It is considered an act that goes against the guidelines of the productive sector. Therefore, request and take them cause guilt in Mexicans.

"The reality, he explains, is that this is generated by the bosses themselves, who want to give the image of productivity at the cost of their rest, instead of being the ones who set the example".

Freeing yourself from guilt is not a simple process, however it is very necessary and part of a person's growth in all aspects of their life, given that it is very liberating. Therefore, when you stop feeling guilty, you feel like "taking a burden off yourself", according to the researchers.

Video Medicine: Things I Feel Guilty About (April 2024).