What is Down syndrome

The Down's Syndrome is a genetic alteration, caused by the presence of a third chromosome in pair 21, which was discovered in 1959 by the prominent French researcher Jéróme Lejeune , father of modern genetics. For this reason, the World Down Syndrome Day It takes place on the 21st day of the third month of each year.

This syndrome is the most common cause of intellectual disability worldwide and although its origin is still unknown, it is known that it is not related to nationality or socio-economic status.

The estimated incidence is 1 in 800 to 1 in 1,200 live births. It is currently considered that there are 6 million people with Down's Syndrome around the world.

In 1866 the doctor John Langdon Down was the first to describe the physical characteristics of this condition that today bears his name: Down's Syndrome .

A little more

The John Langdon Down Foundation It was created in Mexico by the teacher Sylvia García-Escamilla 40 years ago; It was the first institution of its kind in the world dedicated to offering educational, medical and psychological attention to children, youth and adults with Down's Syndrome , chromosomal alteration with which Eduardo was born, the first of his five children and who died at age 5 in a tragic accident.

Annually, the Foundation serves more than 4,000 children and adults with limited economic resources that includes advice to parents and professionals in education and health throughout the country. Its mission is to promote human rights, dignity and the potential of people with Down's Syndrome by improving their quality of life.

Within its facilities, it built CAFE ART THREE 21 , Labor Integration Center, open to the public in order to promote the labor insertion of people with Down's Syndrome . The students participate in the elaboration of all the food, as well as in the attention to the public. This program helps to raise awareness in society and promotes respect for their rights and dignity.

For more information, please call the John Langdon Down Foundation: 56-66-85-80 or go to the page www.fjldown.org.mx

Video Medicine: The Truth About Down Syndrome (April 2024).