What happens in your brain when you do not sleep enough?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) sleeping "badly" is a public health problem that affects the school, work and social life of people.

The adequate hours of sleep depend on each person, however the specialists recommend that it be a lapse of between 6 and 8 hours a day.

Investigations of the University of Surrey they reveal that sleeping 6 hours or less causes the genes involved in inflammatory processes, the immune response and stress response to be activated.

There was also an increase in the activity of genes associated with risk of cancer and diabetes. These results were evaluated by means of volunteers divided into two groups so that one of them would sleep 6 and a half hours and the other 7 and a half hours.

Sleep "more"

A study published in The Journal of Psychisatric Research indicates that people who sleep more than 9 hours have a decline or cognitive decline faster than those who sleep a period of 6 to 8 hours a day.

Sleeping "less"

Publications of the magazine Sleep and performed by researchers from the United Kingdom indicate that sleeping less or omitting sleep activates the immune system reflecting a response similar to that of stress situations.

Sleeping also increases the production of myelin forming cells (oligodendrocytes) that allows an efficient transmission of electrical impulses.

The co-director of the Center for Translational Neuromedicine at Rochester University and leader of the research team says in concrete words "the dream completely changes the structure of the brain".

Video Medicine: What Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don't Get Sleep (April 2024).