what does your desk say about you?

Be organized It is usually seen as a characteristic to be successful and creative and this is something that has been inculcated in all areas and in all places. On the contrary, being disorganized is synonymous with going in search of failure.

But it's not always like this. In the work area, your space, your desk or your office talks a lot about you and for you. They are a reflection, before all, of who you are, what you like, what you are passionate about and what is not.

In most cases, the desk It is a reflection of the profession you practice, but do not fall into generalizations. Not all CEOs have a super organized desk, nor do all professionals in creative areas have a disorganized desk.

However, it never hurts to know what your desk of you. Answer our test, find out and share your results with us.

Video Medicine: What Does Your Desk Say About You? (April 2024).