What does the bicycle do for your health?

Bicycles are fashionable. Governments promote them as a means of transport to avoid traffic and reduce pollution. Psychologists suggest them as entertainment and in favor of family unity. And nutritionists recommend it to you as physical activity to lose weight and tone your body.

But do you know the benefits that this physical activity has for your health? Doctors give you 10 reasons to want to get on your bike every day, because, according to the specialist Proböse , of the German University of Sport and author of the report "Health and Bicycle", "[...] those who ride bicycles save hospital visits".

Here we mention some:

1. Regular cycling reduces the risk of heart attack by 50%.

2. Reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol

3. Adopting the appropriate posture (with the torso slightly inclined forward) with the regular movements of the leg, the lumbar area is strengthened and the appearance of herniated discs is prevented.

4. The muscles of the dorsal vertebrae are stimulated.

5. 75% of the weight is loaded on the seat, so the impact on the knees is prevented, protecting them.

6. The immune system is stimulated with each pedal the phagocytes (the cells that eat bacteria) are mobilized.

7. You release stress because the brain is oxygenated and allows you to think more clearly.

8. Studies have shown that people who regularly ride a bicycle suffer fewer psychological illnesses and are at lower risk of becoming depressed.

9. Endorphins are generated (this happens with any type of exercise) but it is a fact that riding a bicycle makes you happier.

10. Pedaling stimulates circulation, which prevents the appearance of varicose veins and stretch marks.

The ones in this physical activity They are given after 20 minutes, so experts recommend doing it between 45 and 60 minutes, 3 times a week.

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Video Medicine: Random Acts of Health: Try commuting by bicycle today | Kaiser Permanente (April 2024).