What can you do for you?

When we finished one sentimental relationship we feel terrible, even if it lasted a few months or several years and sometimes we despair with the idea that we will never find someone to share life with again, the news is that we need to let at leastone year to be able to get involved romantically and maybe 'find thelove of our life '. 

The other news is that experts say that when you're not happy and you you involve in a new relationship like 'a nail takes out another nail , you will only make that relationship end badly. Waiting a year is not so much time, if you consider them to be long-term decisions.

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A study ofUniversity of Barcelona , says that first of all you have to learn to love yourself , otherwise, there can not be feelings Positive towards the couple.


Accepting and wanting to know oneself, in order to achieve a good level of stability and emotional control. It means accepting one's own limits, one's own past, with the successes and failures experienced "


What can you do for you?

There is 5 actions that when we finish a relationship we can do to rebuild and give the best of ourselves to others:

1. Daily wake up and repeat positive affirmations for you, plan everything you had always wanted to do and could not please others.

2. Plan your day as you plan a job. That is, program the activities that do you good, like going to the gym, going for a run, cooking something rich or reading a book.

3. Ponte goals personal: lose weight, eat healthier, do medical check-ups; anything that is for you

4. Take back old friendships and make new ones Sure for your emotional problems you moved away from many people, it's time to reactivate your social life.

5. At night, think how you you felt and how have you advanced in your well-being listening to you and listening to you.


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Video Medicine: Steven Universe | What Can I Do For You? | Cartoon Network (April 2024).