What are intimate warts?

Also called condylomata acuminata, the intimate warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and they are transmitted by intimate contact. Are from low risk and they usually do not have symptoms. In some cases they generate itching, burning, pain or bleeding.


In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Carlos Eduardo Aranda Flores , specialist in Gynecologic Oncology and Colposcopy , explains that intimate warts are caused by two types of HPV , 6 and 11 ".

In women, it appears in the vagina, vulva, cervix or around the anus. In men, they can occur in the glans or scrotum.


What are intimate warts?

They are soft, moist bumps, skin-colored or pink. Soft to the touch and with a surface appearance similar to that of a cauliflower.

They are dangerous?

They are not dangerous, but it is important to eliminate them because the risk of contagion increases. infection viral, as it causes bleeding. They are also a sign of HPV . The human papilloma virus that cause intimate warts They do not cause cancer. In view, they can be unpleasant or generate a slight discomfort.


How is it spread?

The intimate warts they are transmitted by having intimate relations with a person with HPV . It can be vaginal, anal or oral. In exceptional cases through childbirth, when the mother infects the baby.

It is unlikely to occur through objects, use public toilets or in swimming pools.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology , warts can appear weeks or months after having sex with an infected person.


Which are the risk factors?


  1. Keep sexual intercourse No protection with multiple partners.
  2. People with weakened immune system .
  3. Patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) .
  4. Some medicines , Like the immunosuppressants .
  5. Smoking because it lowers the defenses.
  6. Patients transplanted

How to prevent?

To reduce the risk of having genital warts is important get vaccinated against him HPV . It is recommended to apply it to women between 9 to 45 years of age. Men from 9 to 26.


The vaccine against him HPV , which causes genital warts, is the quadrivalent that protects against four types of viruses. It also protects women from cervical cancer. "

Use preservative during intimate relationships reduces the risk of genital warts by up to 85%. These do not cover all the skin in the intimate areas, so they do not always prevent the virus from spreading.

Limit The number of couples because it increases the risk of contracting HPV. Monogamy and fidelity is the best way to avoid contagion.

Another important measure is leave of smoke , otherwise it is more likely that warts reappear.

The most important thing is to go to the specialist to eliminate intimate warts and receive the appropriate treatment.

Video Medicine: Vagina Skin Tags and Warts: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment and Health Risks (April 2024).