Watch your figure at all times

Currently women have an accelerated pace of life, full of occupations and events that can sometimes make it difficult to take care of the figure and maintain a healthy weight.

One of the most common reasons for "breaking the diet" or having an unhealthy diet is the lack of time, or the fact of having to eat outside the home, which prevents just take care of the figure as it should.

If you have ever been in these situations we give you the following tips, which will help you follow your diet plan without falling into temptation and take care of your figure at any time and place:

1. Remember to eat breakfast every day, preferably before leaving home. A delicious, practical and healthy option is a portion of your favorite flavor of Special K® cereal with a cup of skim milk and a serving of fruit.

2. Drink enough water. Sometimes we can think that we are hungry when in reality what we feel is thirst. Remember to hydrate properly to avoid confusing the sensation of thirst with hunger.

3. Sleep well every day, has been seen in various studies that people who sleep 6 to 8 hours a day have less risk of gaining weight.

4. When you eat outside the home, take care of the serving size. It is likely that the standard portion served in restaurants, cafes and dining rooms is greater than the one recommended in your meal plan.

5. Change the garnish of rice or potatoes on your plate with steamed vegetables or salad.

6. Take a healthy snack with you, if you find yourself trapped in the office, traffic or a meeting you will be calm to know that you have a healthy snack that will help you take care of your figure. A Special K® bar is a good practical option and what you can take with you at all times.

When you have little time to cook try the following menu:

1. Prepare soups broths. It may take more time than consuming them, however its liquid content can help you feel less hungry when the main course arrives.

2. Frozen vegetables. Use them to quickly prepare soups and side dishes.

3. Cook meats, poultry and grilled fish. To give a different flavor to your dishes and not to become monotonous, try them with different vegetables and condiments, rajas or nopales.

4. For dessert choose a fruit that does not need much preparation, an apple, pears or a cup of strawberries previously washed and disinfected are a good option.

Remember that when you are trying to take care of your figure, it is best to choose those delicious, nutritious and practical options. Meet the Personalized Plan and enjoy the rich menus we have prepared for you at

Video Medicine: Pokémon Figure Review: Figma Red "Finding Your Way" Charmander, Bublasaur, and Squirtle figure Ep. 5 (April 2024).