Watch your children!

How many times have you had the feeling that your son does not tell you the truth? This feeling generates uncertainty and distrust in the parents, which generates a climate of tension in the family environment, but how can you know that your child lie ?

According to the psychologist Robert Feldman, University of Massachusetts , people they lie when they feel that their self-esteem is threatened.


Watch your children!

For his part, the professor Preston Ni details that there are different behaviors that people adopt when they say lies , especially when they are in childhood or adolescence.

1. A lot of time is expected to answer a question

When children or young people are slow to answer basic questions such as: Did you go to school ?, Is an unequivocal sign that something is hiding.

2. They change the subject or offer irrelevant information

If someone answers a question directly, there is no problem, but when they begin to "go around on a topic", it is a sign that they want to confuse people.

3. Check your tone of voice

When people they lie or they feel insecure in what they are saying, the tone of their voice increases at the end of the sentences.

4. Speed ​​of speech

If your child speaks quickly (more than usual) and non-stop, he is trying to convince you that everything is fine and prevent you from discovering his lie.

5. Physical distance

If your little one is crossed arms or legs, turns the body to the sides, holds an object at chest height or put your foot behind a piece of furniture, it means you want to put barriers with you. These physical signals suggest emotional distance and incomplete openness.

These signs are useful to identify if your child is lying, but you must also take into account the context to draw a conclusion.

Try to inspire confidence in your children and become a friend for them so they can talk with you about any topic without feeling attacked.