Visual impairment and school dropout

According to figures from the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred), only 2 out of every 100 children with any disability they attend school, the rest stay at home or go to the multiple care centers of the SEP (Ministry of Public Education) that serves people with disabilities.

Children with a disability drop out in the 2nd year of primary school and remain excluded from the education system regular, because teachers do not have the knowledge Y skills needed for his attention, he said. Estela Medina , responsible for the Course: Strategies to Attend to Students with Visual Disabilities that will be taught at the Universidad Iberoamericana.

Estela Medina, director of the Ilumina Foundation, pointed out that there are a large number of children who attend these centers when they should be in regular public schools because its only limitation is the visual disability .

The principal says that the main shortcoming is that teachers do not have the necessary tools to teach children with visual disabilities. The course will provide tools and strategies to regular education teachers of public and private schools to work with blind children, as well as the timely detection of visual problems.

Access to education is a constitutional right, also included in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, of the UN, and of which Mexico is a member and is present in theDeclaration of the Rights of Children .

In the last two years, the free education for blind people has not been reached because the special education area of ​​the SEP has not edited the updates of theBraille books of primary education.

The Department of Education of the Ibero-American University, through the Diversity Attention Program, will carry out the Strategies Course to Attend Students with Visual Disability as of March 31, whose purpose is to train teachers , psychologists, pedagogues and occupational therapists to achieve the inclusion of students with blindness, low vision and visual alterations in the regular classroom.

Video Medicine: A Junior High school visually impaired asks for educational support - 25/2/2017 (April 2024).