Vigorexia is a sickly cult of the body

How many gyms are there for your colony? How many people do you know who spend hours and hours lifting weights? The body worship it can become a obsession that hides a Psychological trastorn .

The vigorexia, a pathology described a few years ago, affects those addicted to fitness They are never considered strong enough, are weighed several times a day and make the gym their second home.


Obsessive preoccupation with fitness

Do exercise and caring for food is no longer an exclusive concern of women, but a conduct increasingly widespread among males. The Pressure of the media has played an essential role in extending this pathology , because they spread the model of strong man and athletic as a prototype of health and success, which can cause obsession for the cult of the body and a frustration in adolescents whose complexion does not adapt to these canons.

In the professor's opinion José Carlos Caracuel Tubío , specialist in Analysis of Human Behavior and Sports Psychology and president of the Spanish Federation of Sports Psychology , the vigoréxicos They are usually people who are not mature, introverted, with problems of integration and security and low self esteem , who think they have little attraction between the opposite sex because of their physical appearance.

"Living for one's body seriously deteriorates human relationships, and adolescents who spend many hours in the gym often develop an aggressive profile that leads them to demonstrate their physical strength during weekends participating in fights," he said.

People vigoréxicas can devote to the exercise physically up to six hours a day, which prevents them from fulfilling their usual occupations by not being interested in anything other than their body.


They prefer them less muscular

An investigation published in August 2000 in the magazine Psychosomatic Medicine, carried out an original test in order to observe the physical perception that men had of their body. The test was carried out among more than 200 men in the United States, France and the Netherlands, who were shown drawings of male bodies with different levels of fat and muscle mass .

Next they had to choose the four graphs that corresponded according to them to their own body, the physique that they would like to have, the type of people with their same age and the one that in their opinion was preferred by women.

In all three countries participants selected an ideal body with an average of 13 kilos more than muscle mass than your own body. This discrepancy, according to the authors, could explain the increase in vigorexia in western countries. However, a similar study conducted among women in the same countries revealed that female preferences focused on male bodies much less muscular .

Video Medicine: Jason Why Do You Say Natural Bodybuilding Is Unhealthy? (April 2024).