Vegetarians have lower risk of diabetes


A new study found that a meat-free diet could reduce the possibility of presenting certain features that help to develop diabetes or cardiovascular disease, and for them, reduce the chances of suffering them, the Diabetes Care medical journal publishes.

The blood sugar level , the blood pressure , the measure of waist , and the body mass , among other factors, were measured by researchers to assess the metabolic syndrome, and found that vegetarians they had lower levels in all counts except cholesterol.

The cause of the metabolic syndrome is not known, but it is believed to be of genetic origin. The condition appears when there are high levels of insulin in the blood , which can generate a heart attack or diabetes.

It was found that 23 out of 100 vegetarians had at least 3 metabolic syndrome factors, compared with 39 out of 100 not vegetarians , which points to a big difference between the two groups.

The experts still do not identify what is the reason that causes the difference between the groups. If it is the consumption of meat , the consumption of vegetables , or the combination of the two. It is also possible that the diet Do not be the problem.

Video Medicine: LIVE IT: Reduce Risk of Chronic Diseases with a Vegetarian Diet (April 2024).