Vaginal dryness

Surely you've heard that some women do not enjoy having sexual intercourse At some point in your life and may be due to different factors, these are the problems that prevent sexual intercourse in women.

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First of all it is important to taste that the reproductive system of women is more complex than that of men, women acquire vaginal infections urinals more frequently than men.

For these simple reasons it is possible that women do not enjoy a pleasant night of sex ...


Vaginal dryness

This can be very annoying and even painful during the sexual relationship .

It is due to the alteration of the PH that cause a very annoying dryness.

Itching is one of the main symptoms; When the estrogen level drops is when this condition is present.

Does not exist vaginal lubrication and it is very complicated to have pleasurable sexual relations and without discomfort.

It is necessary to consult a specialist to follow a hormonal and lubricant treatment.



Is a vaginal inflammation in which the symptoms are very annoying; abundant flow and burning when urinating.

Vaginitis causes the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, therefore it is important that it is attended on time and thus avoid complications.

It is one of the main problems that prevent women from having sex.



It is a problem that is not very common.

This is a problem that manifests itself in the vaginal muscles. The muscles contract, for that reason it is painful and prevents penetration .

It is usually manifested by alterations in the vagina due to some scar or trauma.



Psychological problems greatly influence sexual performance.

The anxiety it is a disorder that can limit the activities of daily life and that includes sex.

When a person is anxious, they can hardly enjoy a sexual relationship, simply because their thoughts are not there and because of that the relationship does not flow naturally.

Anxiety is a limitation for many activities; When this manifests constantly it is important to contact a specialist to carry out a treatment.



It is an infection in the urinary tract. Inflammation in the bladder is present and causes burning when urinating.

Have sex when you have sex cystitis It is quite annoying and painful.

The main symptoms of cystitis are;

  • Urgency and frequency of urination
  • Redness of the back and swelling
  • Pain when urinating and having sex
  • Thick urine

It is necessary to follow a treatment of antibiotics or antivirals to fight the infection.

These are the problems that prevent sexual intercourse in women ; When any of these symptoms is recognized it is necessary to go to the doctor to receive treatment: also remember that our hygiene is essential to prevent these problems.


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Video Medicine: Women's Health : Treating Vaginal Dryness (April 2024).