Use them to detonate your pleasure!

Do you have no idea how to use Chinese balls to cause orgasms? This sex toy is ideal to take advantage of as a couple and discover new sensations that generate intense pleasure.

In accordance with Cory Silverberg, sex therapist certified by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) Chinese balls are designed for anal penetration and are linked by a chain, which facilitates its use.

You may also be interested: Chinese balls are more than a sex toy

Sometimes, the balls come in different sizes and at the end they have a ring that allows you to control them and prevent them from remaining inside the rectum. So that you learn to use them we give you the following tips.


Use them to detonate your pleasure!


  1. Start the warm up. It will help you to feel more relaxed and you will be able to concentrate on the sensations. Try to stimulate some erogenous points before introducing them so that your level of ecstasy increases.
  2. Slow start When you are relaxed, insert one ball at a time. Use the muscles of the area to introduce them one by one until they are all inside. Then, start pulling slowly to remove them and enjoy the sensations.
  3. Choose a soft material. It is important that you choose a sex toy that does not have hard plastic or nylon cord, since they are of low quality, so they can generate infections and be uncomfortable. Select those made with solid rubber.
  4. Lubricant. This product is basic to avoid pain. Choose those made with water. Put an abundant amount in each of the accounts and in the entrance of the year.
  5. Condom. It is ideal to use a condom to prevent infections and keep them clean, especially if you share them.

Before using the anal balls, check them that they are free of any defect, wash them and check that they are in optimum condition to use them. If it is the first time you use them, the ideal is to do it for 15 or 20 minutes, so that your body gets used to them and you feel pleasure. And you, what kind of sex toy would you prefer to use in privacy?

Video Medicine: PLEASURE - Demo (April 2024).