Use that harms your reproductive health ...

Some couples who have problems conceiving a child may think that the genetics is one of the causes, however, a study details that the use of certain products home causes infertility .

According to the investigation of Center for Advanced European Studies and Research, Abteilung Molekulare Neurosensorik, Bonn, in Germany , the chemicals found in everyday products promote the infertility .

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Use that harms your reproductive health ...

In the study published in the magazine EMBO reports , the products that contain chemical that cause infertility are:


  1. Toothpaste
  2. Soap
  3. Plastic toys
  4. Clothing
  5. Medicine
  6. Processed food
  7. Solar filter

These products contain chemicals such as camphor 4-methylbenzylidene (4-MBC), the triclosan and the di-n-butyl (DNBP), which damage the sperm, that is, change the swimming behavior of the sperm towards the ovule.

This is because they affect the ion channel CatSper , that is, the calcium channel that controls the mobility of the sperm . In addition, calcium is increased in the sperm, which generates a premature release of enzymes needed to penetrate and fertilize the ovum.

Even with these chemicals, the sperm It is less sensitive to progesterone and prostaglandins, which are the hormones that surround the ovule and indicate the path to fertilize.

The researchers detail that a very low amount is needed to cause the infertility and it is increased by the number of chemicals present in the body, that is, together they amplify the individual effects. And you, have you checked the labels of these products?