Use of hearing aids damages the ear

In everyday life there are a lot of sounds, many of them imperceptible and others considered "normal", which cause permanent injuries in the ear . In addition, the use of hearing aids at a high volume also generates hearing loss .The injury generated by frequent exposure to very loud noise is known as Acoustic trauma .

This injury can be "Temporary Loss of Auditory Threshold ", That is, it will only last a few minutes, hours or days depending on the exposure time. The individual will perceive humming, after leaving the place where he was exposed to a high volume of music or industrial noise.

When you injure yourself ear Suddenly, but for short periods of time, the ear recovers, however if these periods are repeated constantly can cause permanent damage.

What is the right volume for a human being?

The energy level in the ear , it is measured in decibels (dB). A whisper can register approximately 15 decibels (dB), the soft rumble of an office's work, about 40 dB; a normal conversation, up to 60 dB and street noise, 90 dB.

The ideal is a moderate level, that does not hurt the hearing ; therefore television, radio, hearing aids, etc. They should be at a comfortable volume.


There are four stages in the level of the auditory lesion

Mild: the individual asks me to repeat some words.

Half: hey 50% of his hearing , you need to be spoken to directly, because you no longer hear some words.

Severe: in this case, the patient already has to use a hearing aid to increase the intensity of the sound.

Deep: is the highest degree of injury in the ear , that is, it is almost the complete loss of hearing .

The damage in the ear can be controlled, but if the exposure to noise is repetitive, the injury that occurs in the ear Internal pain can produce a permanent hearing loss that lasts for the rest of the patient's life. For this reason it is necessary to take care of the volume level that is handled daily, to avoid serious injuries.

Video Medicine: 3 Different Types of Hearing Loss | Ear Problems (April 2024).