Universal access and human rights against AIDS

The World AIDS Day It is celebrated on December 1st in more than 190 countries each year, with the purpose of raising money, increasing awareness, fighting against prejudice and improving education, according to data from the AVERT organization.

The theme of World AIDS Day for 2010 is the "Universal Access and Human Rights " It is also a day in which it is remembered that people infected with the acquired immunodeficiency virus and people with AIDS disease have not disappeared, and much remains to be done to eradicate the epidemic.

The fight against the epidemic began in the 1980s and according to estimates of the World Health Organization and UNAIDS, by 2008 it has infected more than 33 million people with HIV . 2.5 million are boys and girls.

The vast majority of people infected with HIV and with AIDS they live in low or middle income countries. HIV currently poses a threat to men, women and infants on all continents around the world.

AVERT launched a video to raise awareness about universal access to medicines that combat AIDS epidemic and about the need to create prevention campaigns , since only then will it be possible to meet the goals. Only with the help of all will be able to give support to infected people and end the deaths caused by AIDS.