Training is vital for water birth

The water birth aims to return to the natural, that is, avoid contact with medical instruments and anesthesia, to enjoy the beautiful experience of being a mother.

According to the specialists of My birth in water , it is necessary to have a previous preparation that helps the future mother to control her emotions and her body during the Birth .

During the training it is explained what will happen during the delivery, emotions that will flourish and the enthusiasm that is lived with the experience; In addition, some techniques to manage discomfort are taught.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Gabriela Zebadúa Baqueiro , instructor in psychoprophylaxis and certified midwife , explains the benefits granted by the prophylactic course for dads:

Gabriela Zebadúa Baqueiro believes that future moms start the course psycho-prophylactic when they are 14 weeks pregnant, but in case they have an advanced stage of gestation , you can take an eight week express course.

All the women pregnant they are candidates to have a birth in water. So do not miss this experience that can help in muscle development and the quality of life of your children.

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Video Medicine: The Black History of Birth in America (April 2024).