Torticollis decreases with physiotherapy

The stiff neck is a twist of the neck that causes pain to the movement, as well as inability to turn or move the head naturally. The pain and the contraction can expand to the shoulders or the head.


Is twist can be presented by a irritation of the cervical nerves, which can generate a contraction or spasm in the muscles of the neck, and can be caused by:

  1. Sudden movements of the neck
  2. Injury traumatic (whiplash)
  3. Sleeping in an awkward position
  4. Anxiety
  5. Burn
  6. Neck muscle injuries at birth
  7. Infection caused by a bacterium or virus
  8. Consequence of a hernia of disk at cervical level
  9. Any injury that causes deep scars


Although each person may suffer symptoms differently, the most common are:

  1. Pain of the muscles of the neck or pain of the spine
  2. Impossibility to turn the head, usually the only way to lessen the pain is to keep it to one side
  3. Spasms of the muscles By the neck
  4. Strange position of the chin
  5. Headache
  6. Neck Pain

The symptoms may resemble those of others diseases or alterations, so it is very important to consult your doctor to make a diagnosis timely, through a physical examination and the complete medical history of the patient.


Although it is usually rare, stiff neck It can be complicated and produce some neurological symptoms by compression of the nerve roots such as: difficulty of concentration, dream not repair, Vertigo or dizziness , among others.


To determine the appropriate treatment, the doctor will take into account the particular characteristics of the patient such as:

  1. Age
  2. General state of health
  3. Medical record
  4. The seriousness of the twist
  5. In general, the treatment may include:
  6. Break of the muscles By the neck
  7. Local heat therapy
  8. Ultrasound therapy
  9. Physiotherapy
  10. Muscle relaxant medications (recommended by your doctor)
  11. Surgery

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