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If you have noticed that lately you are inflamed , tea estriñes more often or suffer from diarrhea , Watch out! These are symptoms that could indicate that there is a imbalance in you intestinal flora .


The intestinal flora is a "kind" of deposit that houses 100,000 million microorganisms of 400 species of bacteria , mainly, among them lactobacilli Y bifidobacteria , which are scattered from the mouth to the final part of the large intestine . Most are not harmful .

Their importance lies in the function they fulfill for to digest the foods , as well as in prevention of diseases like diarrhea , colitis or irritable colon .

The balance in this macrocosm of bacteria , mushrooms Y virus in the body is key to staying healthy physics Y emotionally , various studies affirm.


Experiments by the Center for Genome Sciences , of the University of Washington , verify that the deficiency in intestinal flora favors diseases such as obesity Y diabetes by the alterations that the metabolism .

Another study of University of California at Los Angeles , United States, confirms that the stress and others emotions contribute to gastrointestinal symptoms by the signals that the brain send to intestine .

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we share 5 habits to protect your intestinal flora . We want you to be able to adapt to this stressful lifestyle.


Top 5

The Guide The wonders of the flora contributes recommendations interesting that you can continue to keep in good condition This deposit of microorganisms.

1. Fruits and vegetables every day. The key is to include three pieces of fruit and two plates of vegetables and vegetables a day. Is diet gives you an abundant amount of fiber which helps Balance of the microorganisms beneficial to the intestine .

2. Probiotics There are foods with these microorganisms that help to have in good condition the intestinal flora . You find them in yoghurts and the Fermented milk products . However, the doctor Álvarez Calatayud affirms that each probiotic It has a special effect, so it recommends consume them only for medical recommendation .

3. Give up smoking. Researchers at the University Hospital of Zurich they assure that by stopping smoke there are notable changes in the composition of the intestinal flora microbial

4. Stress Luis Bustos Fernández, vice president of the Argentine Society of Gastroenterology , cautions that this disease affects the digestive system because there is information that goes brain to the intestine and vice versa that generates more cortisol , a hormone that is released in response to stress , detonating gastritis and irritable colon .

5. Go to the bathroom. One of the important tips that are often not taken into account is hear to you body and do not miss the moment of to go to the bathroom . Ideally, set aside 10 to 15 minutes after each meal.

Other habits like exercise , eat in smaller quantities and more frequently, reduce the consumption of Saturated fats , drink plenty Water , eat slowly and chew well, contribute to a healthy lifestyle for your intestinal flora .


With simple changes in the habits and the feeding better health is achieved digestive and therefore, emotional , explains the vice president of the Argentine Society of Gastroenterology .

Remember that it is very important that you look for Medical help before any symptom that you notice in your body. You how do you care intestinal flora ?

Video Medicine: Top 5 Scary Statues CAUGHT MOVING ON CAMERA! (April 2024).