Tips vs. high calorie drinks

Try to reduce the consumption of high fat foods, as well as drinks with many calories , are some of the main and first strategies recommended by nutrition specialists to have a healthy diet and lose weight, according to specialists from the University of California at Berkeley.

To know the implications of the consumption of drinks with many calories , which are the ones that have more and their consequences, we present the following video of our series Tips for Lose Weight .

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Tips vs. high calorie drinks

Once you have identified what drinks with many calories Usually include in your diet, it is important to know how to reduce their consumption, as well as to balance the caloric intake so that it does not affect the healthy weight or loss. For this the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States , they recommend:

1. Balance Calories consumed = food and drinks . Spent calories = bodily functions and physical activity. Try to tilt the scales towards the worn ones with greater activities and bodily functions.

2. Alcoholic beverages. A tip to reduce the consumption of alcoholic drinks , which are usually accompanied by refreshments , is to swallow between one drink and two glasses of water, so your intake will be less and also avoid hangover.

3. Soft drinks . To drink less refreshments the ideal is to partially replace them with water, which can be of flavor (but without sugars) and combined with mineral water, in case of the whim of the "bubbles" or to denote a similar effect.

4. Drinks with caffeine. Consuming tea (green) can also help you get rid of the need for caffeine that you usually feel, as this drink contains a small dose (considerably less than soda ) of natural caffeine.

5. Temptation . It breaks with the routines and customs that include the consumption of this type of drinks , a very simple but effective advice, is to keep busy and away from temptation, so avoid buying them or replacing them with a different but healthy stimulus, gives good results.

Remember that if your goal is to lose weight, you should reduce both your food intake and your drinks with many calories . Promote a change of habits and every day recognize the effort, is one of the keys to have great results in a short time.